The Beautification Sanctification Process

I had a blast last night, when I went out with Rico for so many reasons. One of them is that Rico and God both had an adventure with me.

 As we were driving, we got to talking about eyebrows because he had his done earlier that day with the threading method. I mentioned how I missed getting mine threaded; it had been years. He asked if I wanted them done. "Oh, don't worry about it," I replied. Then we move on to talking about something else. He changed direction in his driving though he didn't explain why and I didn't ask because I didn't think much aof it—just a lot of traffic.

Tiffany smiling with teeth showing. Wearing a visor Houston AStros black hat. Her eyebrows are thick and messy. Her glasses is reflecting the light of a device.
We get to a place, and I'm thinking we're at our final destination. We go inside and I was confused because it didn't look like what I was expecting. Rico then said, "You're getting your eyebrows done."

Let me tell you, I was surprised! Since we were here, I couldn't refuse because it's true my eyebrows were becoming like caterpillars (his words 🤣). The procedure was painful, especially the lip area! My eyes were weeping. While I sat tthere in pain, I prayed for both of them, thankful for them and to God. I was happy we were able to take care of the fuzzy caterpillars. They will now no longer be waving at Rico.

Then God reminded me that we experience a little hardship and suffering through the beautification process before we can enter a new level of sanctification. After I was done, I did not look to see how it came out because I didn't have my phone on me. You see, my eyes are not good enough to see anything but with my own phone camera because of the accessibility features I use to see with.Tiffany is smiling with teeth showing, eyebrows are much thinner, but the hair is messy in braids

We get back in the truck, Rico said he's going to take me somewhere else. I love surprises and looked eagerly forward to what it was. A few minutes later, we go inside a new establishment, and I'm trying to figure out where this was because bad eyes. "What's this?" I asked him.

 He replied with, "It's a salon."

 My mind blanked to several different kinds of services they offered. My nails? We were talking about my nails earlier too.

Seeing my puzzled face, he clarified, "You're getting your hair washed and flat ironed. It's gotten messy since this morning." He had done my hair in twin french braids that same day. "When's the last time you washed your hair?" 

I winced.

Yeah, I hadn't washed in almost a week since I got in the habit of washing it once a week because of my curly hair. But with straight hair as my recent style... it needs more washing. 

Rico explained to the stylist what we wanted while I go sit down and got my hair washed clean of grease. Then the styling. This took some time, and this time, I couldn't hear because I took my cochlear implant processor off. The processor is my only gateway to the world of sound. I sat there in complete silence and unable to see or hear anything. I took this time to pray for the people around me and thank God for everything that came to mind. I thought a lot about God, Rico, the hairstylist. I knew Rico and the stylist must be talking to each other about God and other things but I had no clue. HOwever, I knew the end result was that I would have an absolutely beautiful hair.

After I got back in the truck and my phone out of the bag, I finally took a picture of myself to see the result. Wow! What a transformation through beautification.

Through my resting in the chair, God was showing me things. The conversations I could not hear around me while they beautify is like Father God talking to the Holy Spirit what needs beautifying and the Spirit does it. Take all the grease out and make it clean. Dry, iron, and style to make the best version of me as Father God intended. 

I, again, could have easily turned around and refused the hair styling to save money. But that would have been really rude. I am very thankful to Rico for this mini-makeover and teaching me to present the best version of myself so I can shine more brightly for God.

In the same way, if we don't yield to His invitation to beautify us to make us into the likeness of Jesus, we would be throwing His grace into His face while also recognizing we do need sanctification.  We can't sanctify ourselves on our own because we don't have the hands of the professionals to beautify ourselves to save our pride or money. The real professional of beautification is the Holy Spirit. 

Father God already paid the price to beautify us, and that price was to send His Son into the world to die for us in order  to save and then sanctify us. You have to yield to His invitation to beautify you after you are saved. 

Let the Holy Spirit thread your caterpillar eyebrows, clean your greasy hair, and style your hair. All yuou have to do is sit there and rest; talk to God. 

While you are sitting there in silence, you can bet that the Holy Spirit, Jesus and Father God are all talking to each other excitedly during the process of of beautification because they already know what you will look like. At first, you can't hear their conversations. But as you are beautified in holiness, spending more time with God, your eyes and ears will open and you will discern more of their conversations. 

As believers, you pay attention to God's invitation to beautify you. Sit down in the chair and bear any hardships because you know the end result is beauty. Don't get up and out of your rest because it's uncomfortable and you want to go back to your comfort zone. You might even think you can beautify yourself without God. Stay in your chair!

You will likely not be able to see yourself clearly except through renewed eyes, nor will you hear all the conversations. These new eyes and ears will open up and see what God has done with you. You will receive increased measure of love, of humility, of peace, of faith, of gentleness, of self-control, of patience, and of goodness. The real you will shine brightly, and more people will see your light. Without the beautification process, people are not going to see the light of Jesus in you as clearly.

Yield to Father God, sit down in your chair, and rest.


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